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Freedom To Vote Act Brennan Center

Senate Democrats Introduce Freedom to Vote Act

Landmark Legislation Aims to Protect Voting Rights and Expand Access

By [Author Name]

Washington, D.C. - Today, Senate Democrats led by Senator Amy Klobuchar introduced the Freedom to Vote Act, a comprehensive piece of legislation aimed at protecting and expanding voting rights in the United States. The bill builds upon the work of the Brennan Center for Justice's "Freedom to Vote: An Urgent Call to Reform Our Election System" report, which outlined a set of recommendations to ensure that every American has the opportunity to vote and have their voice heard.

Key provisions of the Freedom to Vote Act include:

  • Expanding early voting and mail-in voting options: The bill would require states to offer a minimum number of early voting days and allow voters to request mail-in ballots without an excuse.
  • Modernizing voter registration: The bill would create a nationwide automatic voter registration system and make it easier for people to register to vote online.
  • Restoring voting rights to formerly incarcerated individuals: The bill would automatically restore voting rights to people who have completed their sentences.
  • Preventing voter intimidation and suppression: The bill would prohibit voter intimidation and suppression tactics, such as purging voter rolls and limiting access to polling places.
  • Ensuring secure and fair elections: The bill would provide funding for election security measures and establish a national election security standard.

The Freedom to Vote Act is the most comprehensive democracy reform legislation introduced in decades. It would make it easier for all Americans to vote, protect voting rights from attacks, and ensure that our elections are secure and fair. The bill is supported by a broad coalition of voting rights advocates, civil rights groups, and labor unions. It is vital that we pass this legislation to protect our democracy and ensure that every American has the opportunity to have their voice heard.

As your constituent, I urge you to cosponsor and support the Freedom to Vote Act. This critical legislation is essential to protect the foundations of our democracy and guarantee the rights of all Americans.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter.


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