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All Sorceresses In Witcher 3

The Lodge of Sorceresses: A Substitute for the Council of Sorcerers

The Origins of the Lodge

The Lodge of Sorceresses emerged as a direct consequence of the Thanedd Island mutiny, a pivotal event in the Witcher saga. Following the uprising, the Council of Sorcerers, a powerful organization governing the magical realm, disintegrated, leaving a void in the leadership of the sorceress community.

The Goals of the Lodge

Recognizing the need for a collective voice and representation, a group of renowned sorceresses, including Yennefer of Vengerberg, Triss Merigold, and Philippa Eilhart, founded the Lodge of Sorceresses. Its primary aim was to fill the power vacuum left by the Council of Sorcerers and ensure the interests of its members were protected and advanced.

The Lodge operated in secrecy, conducting its meetings in hidden locations. Its membership was limited to female sorceresses of exceptional skill and influence, who shared a common belief in the need for a united front in the political and social landscape of the time.

Throughout the Witcher saga, the Lodge plays a significant role in shaping events. Its members actively participate in the ongoing conflicts and power struggles, often wielding their magical prowess to achieve their goals. Their actions impact the lives of individuals and nations, leaving a lasting legacy in the history of the Witcher world.


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